St. Wulstan's Roman Catholic Primary School

Believe to Achieve: Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another

Welcome to St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School.

School Uniform


School uniform is compulsory and must be worn by all children at all times in school. 

Grey skirt/pinafore dress

Grey tailored trousers

Red long sleeved jumper or cardigan (School logo option available)

White polo shirt (School logo option available)

White or medium grey socks

Red and white dress, red cardigan (summer)

Grey, thick woollen tights (winter)

Black shoes

PE Kit

Pale blue polo shirt

Dark blue shorts

Black pumps - indoor P.E.

Trainers on occasion


School uniform with the school logo on can be bought from the suppliers listed below:-


Whittakers School Wear

Waterloo Pavilions
20 – 26 Church Street

Whittakers School Wear - St Wulstans Schho Shop

01254 676047



Abbey Street Uniform Shop
2-4 Abbey Street

01254 382076 Or 01254 301987


Please ensure that all items are labelled clearly with the child's name.


Coloured hair and fashion hairstyles are not permitted, e.g. very close cropped hair, hair braids or shaved patterns.

Please ensure headbands and bobbles are plain and in school colours.

Shoulder length and longer hair is to be tied back for health and safety requirements.


In the interests of safety, you are asked to support us in not allowing your children to wear any jewellery in school. Apart from the obvious possibility of items being lost, they can also cause accidents if they catch in clothing or P.E. equipment. If your child’s ears are pierced, studs only may be worn and these should be removed (or taped by the parent) on PE or swimming days.