St. Wulstan's Roman Catholic Primary School

Believe to Achieve: Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another

Welcome to St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


Our commitment to you and your child...

At St. Wulstan’s, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all our children and we are committed to the principle of inclusive classrooms. Inclusion for all is at the heart of everything we do at St. Wulstan’s.  

We work closely to the guidelines of the SEND Code of Practice 2014. Click here to download a copy. 


All teachers are responsible for planning a differentiated curriculum that meets the needs of specific groups of children and responds to their diverse learning needs. We use our best endeavours to secure special educational provision for pupils for whom this is required. In such cases, extra support will be provided, a special programme will be developed to overcome the difficulties that he/she faces and a Graduated Approach Plan (GAP) drawn up (alongside parents, child and school) to monitor and track the progress of that individual child.


A child or young person has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A learning difficulty or disability is a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age. This may be:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, mental and emotional health
  • Sensory/physical


Special educational provision means educational or training provision that is additional to, or different from, that made generally for others of the same age in a mainstream setting.


The named Governor for Special Educational Needs is Mrs. Pamela Ratcliffe and the SENDCO is Mrs. Angela Sturgess.

Should you have any further questions about Special Educational Needs at St. Wulstan’s, please feel free to contact Mrs. Sturgess, 01254 884533


We continually strive to develop and maintain positive working relationships with all parents/carers so that they feel happy, comfortable and secure to come into school, at any point of their child’s education, to discuss any concerns they might have, as we know the importance and value of working as a team.

If you have any queries or would like to talk to a member of staff, please do not hesitate to contact the school office, who will direct you accordingly. Alternatively, please see the attached links and information below.


The 'Local Offer' -What is it? 

The 'Local Offer' below provides information for children, young people and their parents/carers in a single place, helping them to understand what services they and their families can expect from a range of local agencies. This was introduced as part of the Children and Families Bill and became law in 2014.

The aim of the 'local offer' is to improve choice and transparency for families about the services they use. It will also be an important tool for professionals to use, as it will allow them to understand the full range of services and provision in the local area. 

We work together with children, young people, parents, carers and other local services to develop our offer and keep it under review.

The intention is to offer choice and transparency for families, as well as providing a resource for professionals to detail the range of services and provision locally.


What the Local Authority Offers...

For Lancashire Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, click here


What St. Wulstan’s Offers...

Click here to read our SEND Information Report

Click here to read our SEND Offer

Click here to read our SEND Policy

Click here for the Equality and Diversity Policy

Accessibility Plan

Click here for our SEND Parental Questionnaire

Click here to read our plans for making sure pupils with disabilities play a full part in our school.

Click here to read our provisions within school



Special educational needs and disabilities - local offer

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