St. Wulstan's Roman Catholic Primary School

Believe to Achieve: Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another

Welcome to St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School.

Modern Foreign Languages

"With languages you are at home anywhere." Edward de Waal


At St. Wulstan’s, the language that we teach in school in KS2 is French although we do encourage children to become aware of other languages and cultures. Our goal is to enthuse and inspire pupils to participate fully and develop a love of learning about modern foreign languages. Our children learn French from Year 3 onwards, through songs, games, speaking and writing the language. It is important that children learn about different cultures to broaden their understanding of the world.


About Our Vision for Modern Foreign Languages

We believe learning a new language is a normal part of child’s education. As one of the most popular languages in the world, we teach children French as part of their primary education, this includes learning the language and understanding all about Spanish culture.

Our aim is to see pupils leave our school in Year 6 with the ability to: understand and respond to spoken and written language; speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity; write at varying length; and to discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in French.


If you have any questions about the MFL curriculum within school, please come into school and ask to speak to Mrs. Sturgess, our MFL Lead.


MFL Policy

MFL Non-Negotiables

St. Wulstan's MFL Intent, Implementation and Impact

Progression in MFL


A very useful website is


This website helps bring your learning to life. It presents a series of interesting videoclips. If you use the index for the clips, you will find a section on French that covers a whole range of topics. Click on a topic that interests you and off you go!!

You could also try there is a section on useful resources for learning languages at primary level.


Modern Foreign Languages Programme of Study